1-20 of 96 results
Bruckner, Karl, Pòrtic, 1982
(Hei yu)
Simplified Chinese
井伏鱒二, 湖南人民出版社, 1982
(Jie shu er ci da zhan de wu qi)
Traditional Chinese
黎白爾, 貝萊著, 臺灣商務印書館, 1982
Lindhardt og Ringhof, 1982
Schell, Jonathan, Van Holkema & Warendorf, 1982
Noriko Mizuta Lippit, Kyoko Iriye Selden, M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1982
Otake, M. , Schull, W. J., , 1982
Office of Health and Environmental Research [and] Office of Energy Research, U.S. Department of Energy. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 1982
Pak, Su-nam, private publication, 1982
Goldschmidt, Bertrand, American Nuclear Society, 1982
Junod, Marcel, International Committee of the Red Cross, 1982
Schell, Jonathan, Alfred A. Knopf, 1982
Robinson, Frank, E.R. (Bon) Hall, F. Robinson, 1982
InterVarsity Press, 1982
Penguin Books, 1982
Saffer, Thomas H., Kelly, Orville E., Putnam, 1982
The City of Hiroshima & the City of Nagasaki, 1982
Hiroshima City, Nagasaki City, The City of Hiroshima & The City of Nagasaki, 1982
The City of Hiroshima, Hiroshima University, the United Nations University, The City of Hiroshima, 1982
Shimizu, Sakae, Sakae Shimizu, 1982