Urszula Styczek's Papers

1. 世界で読めるヒロシマとナガサキ
― LinguaHiroshima のデータベース「多言語で読む広島・長崎文献」を 巡って〈改訂版〉―

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2. Reading Atomic Bomb Literature in Foreign Languages – An Introduction of Studies and Works of Tamiki Hara, Sankichi Toge and Sadako Kurihara
多言語で読む「原爆文学」 - 原民喜・峠三吉・栗原貞子の作品と関連の評論 ―

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University Archives


  1. 序論
    1. プロジェクトの誕生
    2. 三人の作家
    3. 文献の構成
  2. 英語で読む原民喜・峠三吉・栗原貞子
    1. 英語で読む「原爆文学」 - 原民喜・峠三吉・栗原貞子に関連の評論
    2. 原民喜、峠三吉、栗原貞子の作品が含まれる作品集
    3. 英語で読む原民喜、峠三吉と栗原貞子の作品
  3. 英語以外の言語で読む「原爆文学」―原民喜・峠三吉・栗原貞子作品と関連の評論
    アラビア語/ 中国語/ チェコ語/ エスペラント語/ フィンランド語/ フランス語/ ドイツ語/ ヒンディー語/ ハンガリー語/ イタリア語/ 韓国語/ マラーティー語/ ポーランド語/ ロシア語/ セルビア語/ スロヴァキア語/ スロベニア語/ スペイン語/ スウェーデン語
  4. 結論

3. Works of Selected Authors and Their Studies 日本人作家16人の作品と関連の評論

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阿川弘之/ 原民喜/ 林京子/ 堀田善衛/ 井伏鱒二/ 井上ひさし/ 井上光晴/ 栗原貞子/ 村井志摩子/ 小田実/ 大江健三郎/ 大田洋子/ 佐多稲子/ 正田篠枝/ 峠三吉/ 津久井喜子
アルバニア語/ アラビア語/ 中国語(簡体字)/ チェコ語/ オランダ語/ 英語/ エスペラント語/ フィンランド語/ フランス語/ ドイツ語/ ヒンディー語/ ハンガリー語/ イタリア語/ 韓国・朝鮮語/ マレー語/ マラーティー語/ ノルウエー語/ ペルシャ語/ ポーランド語/ ロシア語/ セルビア語/ スロヴァキア語/ スロベニア語/ スペイン語/ スウェーデン語/ タイ語/ ウルドゥー語

以上の研究は、公益財団法人ヒロシマ平和創造基金「ヒロシマピースグラント2015」と、公益財団法人 庭野平和財団 2015年後期(15-A-352)の助成を受けたものである。

4. A-bomb Victim, Kurihara Sadako : The Transformation from Anarchist Poet to Peace Essayist

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On March 6, 2005, an essayist, poet and peace activist, Kurihara Sadako died at the age of 92. Her friends tried hurriedly to publish a Complete Compilation of her poetry while she was tenninally ill, but she died before its completion. It was published in July 2005. However, her essays remain to be organized and published. She started writing tanka and poems in the 1930ties. Under the influence of her husband, Tadaichi, she was involved in an anarchist movement. Many of these early works were published after the war in her first compilation Kuroi tamago (1946). After the second compilation, Watashi-wa Hiroshima-o shougen suru (1967), she returned to writing poetry, and continued until 2000. She also wrote essays. Her first volume appeared in 1970, and she continued writing up to the mid-nineties, but they have never been compiled. One might question why she was a minor poet and essayist being published occasionally only in local newspapers and rather unknown in literary circles in Japan. Kurihara was a keen observer and a political commentator of her times. The day after the A-bomb attack she hurried to help others. That day changed her life. She was not popular among politicians, because she openly criticized the Japanese government for not revealing the whole truth about the war. In the recently famous poem Hiroshima to iu toki, written in 1972, she saw Japan as a victimizer of Asian countries. She also commented on later events such as the Vietnam War, Tiananmen Square, American-Japanese politics and sending Japanese troops to Iraq in 1992. She has also become famous as the author of the poem Umashimenka na (1945) which has been translated into several languages. Some of her other poems and essays have been translated into English, but have yet to gain wide recognition. In my paper I intend to discuss the trnsformation of Kurihara's works from her first interests in peace before the war, through her sad experience in Hiroshima and her involvement in peace activism. I will extend the materials already published in English by adding ones unpublished and revealed lately by her daughter, Mariko.

5. 原民喜、被爆体験作家 : 戦前の人間像

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In this article I intend to discuss the prewar life and literary activity of one of the most famous writers of atomic-bomb literature, Hara Tamiki. Unlike such famous writers as Oe Kenzaburo and Ibuse Masuji, who wrote about the atomic tragedy in Hiroshima, despite not having experienced it, Tamiki became famous worldwide due to one short novel, Summer Flowers, which was published by 1946, and which was based on his own experience. The novel was a complete account of a reality that surpassed anybody's imagination. However, Tamiki actually wrote some similar fictional stories before the Second World War, being in some way a prophet of the coming war. His characters are often put in extreme situations, facing death or incurable sickness, searching for the real meaning of life and death. The anxiety of human existence was the main theme of his prewar writings. Also, we can deduce from his works how influential his beloved older sister, Tsuru, was. She was a Christian. Tamiki himself never became a Christian believer, but her existence is perceptible in his works. I shall analyse a few of his writings in which we can find all the elements mentioned above. These include Flames (Hono), Christ (Kirisuto), and Prairie (Koya).

6. Bibliography of Translations of Selected Atomic Bomb Writers - Analysis(Part 2)

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  1. 作家別のリスト
    阿川弘之/ 林京子/ 井伏鱒二/ 井上ひさし/ 井上光晴/ 村井志摩子/ 小田実/ 大江健三郎/ 大田洋子/ 佐多稲子/ 正田篠枝; 原民喜; 中沢啓治(児童文学)、永井隆、蜂谷道彦、長田新(体験記・回想記)
  2. 言語別のリスト
    アルバニア語/ アラビア語/ ブルガリア語/ 中国語(簡体字)/ チェコ語/ オランダ語/ 英語/ フィンランド語/ フランス語/ ドイツ語/ ハンガリー語/ イタリア語/ 韓国・朝鮮語/ マレー語/ ノルウエー語/ ペルシャ語/ ポーランド語/ ポルトガル語/ ロシア語/ セルビア語/ スペイン語/ スウェーデン語/ タイ語/ ウルドゥー語
  3. 結論
