Author: | Neel, James V., William J Schull | Place: | Chicago |
Publisher: | Univ. of Chicago Press | Year: | 1954 |
Neel, James V., William J Schull. Human Heredity . Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1954.
An introduction to the study of genetics by the authors of The Children of Atomic Bomb Survivors: A Genetic Study. In Chapter 11 Mutation, they examine the genetic risks involved in the military use of atomic energy, and suggest that the growing intrusion of ionizing radiation into our lives carries with it the threat of increased mutation.
By:ジェームス・V・ニール (James V.Neel;), ウィリアム・J・シャール (William J.Schull)
Publisher:医歯薬出版 (Ishiyaku shuppan)