Author: | Mikamo, Akiko (美甘章子) | Original Title: | Rising from the Ashes: A True Story of Survival and Forgiveness from Hiroshima | Place: | Roma |
Publisher: | Newton Compton editori | Year: | 2015 |
Mikamo, Akiko 美甘章子. Transl. Massimiliano Borelli. Sopravvissuto alla bomba atomica – una storia vera . Rising from the Ashes: A True Story of Survival and Forgiveness from Hiroshima Roma, Newton Compton editori, 2015.
This book is the story of Shinji Mikamo who miraculously survived the atomic bombing on Hiroshima. His daughter, Akiko Mikamo, medical psychologist living in the US, writes detailed account of his experience and the tribulations of his postwar life. 米国在住の臨床心理医である筆者が、父美甘進示の被爆体験と戦後の苦難を詳細に記述している。