Author: | Nasu, Masamoto (那須正幹) | Original Title: | 絵で読む広島の原爆 | Place: | Tokyo |
Publisher: | Fukuinkan Shoten | Year: | 1998 |
Nasu, Masamoto 那須正幹. Transl. Joanna King, Yuki Tanaka. Illustr. Shigeo Nishimura. Hiroshima: A Tragedy Never to be Repeated . 絵で読む広島の原爆 Tokyo, Fukuinkan Shoten, 1998.
The publication of this book is aimed at giving information to foreign visitors to Hiroshima on the historical background of the A-bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima, as well as the devastating effects of the bomb upon the people in this city. The book also details basic scientific information on nuclear weapons and illnesses caused by radiation. The diverse topics on the subject are informative for both children and lay-people. 広島を訪れる外国人向けに出版。原爆の開発から投下までの歴史的背景、当時の広島の町並み、市民の暮らしぶりを絵で紹介。核兵器に関する知識や放射線障害など今日の問題も取り入れて多角的にヒロシマの原爆を取り扱っている。成人にも役立つ本である。