A- bomba
Author: | Иойрыш, Абрам Исаакович (Ioĭrysh, Abram Isaakovich), Морохов, Игорь Дмитриевич (Morokhov, Igorʹ Dmitrievich), Иванов Сергей Кузьмич (Ivanov Sergiey Kuz’mich) | Place: | Москва (Moskva) |
Publisher: | Наука (Nauka) | Year: | 1980 |
Иойрыш, Абрам Исаакович Ioĭrysh, Abram Isaakovich, Морохов, Игорь Дмитриевич Morokhov, Igorʹ Dmitrievich, Иванов Сергей Кузьмич Ivanov Sergiey Kuz’mich. А-Бoмбa A- bomba. Москва Moskva, Наука Nauka, 1980.
To commemorate the 35th anniversary of American bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the profound study on the history of nuclear industry in Germany, the USA and the Soviet Union, including the explanation of Manhattan Project.