Book Details


使日十年: 1932至1942年美国驻日大使格鲁的日记及公私文件摘录

shi ri shi nian :1932 zhi 1942 nian mei guo zhu ri da shi ge lu de ri ji ji gong si wen jian zhai lu

Author:约瑟夫·C.格鲁 (Grew, Joseph C.)
Original Title:Ten years in Japan: a contemporary record drawn from the diaries and private and official papers of Joseph C. Grew, United States ambassador to Japan, 1932-1942
Place:北京  (Beijing)


约瑟夫·C.格鲁 Grew, Joseph C.. Transl. 蒋相泽 Xiangze Jiang, 陈宏志 Chen Hongzhi, 李健辉 Li Jianhui. 使日十年: 1932至1942年美国驻日大使格鲁的日记及公私文件摘录 shi ri shi nian :1932 zhi 1942 nian mei guo zhu ri da shi ge lu de ri ji ji gong si wen jian zhai lu. Ten years in Japan: a contemporary record drawn from the diaries and private and official papers of Joseph C. Grew, United States ambassador to Japan, 1932-1942 , , .


History and Social Sciences


Simplified Chinese

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