Author: | Stone, Albert E. | Place: | New York |
Publisher: | Twayne Publishers | Year: | 1994 |
Stone, Albert E.. Literary Aftershocks: American Writers, Readers, and the Bomb . New York, Twayne Publishers, 1994.
Twayne's literature & society series, No.5. In this cultural criticism of the literary response to the nuclear age from 1945 to the present, the author refers to A-bomb and nuclear literature including John Hersey, Masuji Ibuse, Robert Lifton, Toshi Maruki, and others. 原爆をテーマにした文学を「20世紀の核文学」として位置付けた文芸評論。ジョン・ハーシー、井伏鱒二、ロバート・リフトン、丸木俊らによる原爆文献を多数引用している。