Place: | London |
Publisher: | GMP Publishers | Year: | 1987 | Page: | 157 |
Ed. Brett, Guy. Through Our Own Eyes: Popular Art and Modern History . London, GMP Publishers, 1987. Pp. 157
Graphic and Photographic Records
In Chapter 4, entitled “To Rid the World of Nuclear Weapons: Hiroshima”, the author introduces Toshiko Akamatsu and lri Maruki's works and pictures painted by citizens in Unforgettable Fire, edited by the Japanese Broadcasting Corporation (London: Wildwood House,1981). 4章「核兵器のない世界に:広島」で丸木位里、俊夫妻の作品。日本放送出版協会編『劫火を見た』から市民による原爆の絵を紹介。