Author: | Lifton, Betty J. | Place: | New York |
Publisher: | Antheneum | Year: | 1970 | Page: | 90 |
Lifton, Betty J.. Return to Hiroshima . New York, Antheneum, 1970. Pp. 90
Graphic and Photographic Records
This book contains photographs of Hiroshima taken in 1970, 25 years after the bombing, as well as photographs taken after the bombing in 1945, which show the damage done to the city and its people. The photography includes B. J. Lifton's text to guide lay people's understanding of Hiroshima, explaining that there are survivors who are still suffering from the radiation's effects. 被爆当時の写真と共に、25年後の広島の姿が紹介されている。ベテイ・リフトンは、広島を知らない人をガイドする設定で説明文を書いている。現在も被爆者は後障害に苦しんでいることを指摘。