Author: | Kobayashi, Sadayoshi, Masafumi Uchiyama, Hiromichi Matsudaira | Place: | Chiba |
Publisher: | National Institute of Radiological Sciences | Year: | 1990 |
Kobayashi, Sadayoshi, Masafumi Uchiyama, Hiromichi Matsudaira. Health Effects of Atomic Radiation: Hiroshima Nagasaki, Lucky Dragon, Techa River, and Chernobyl: Proceedings of Japan-USSR Seminar on Radiation Effects Research, June 25-29, 1990, Tokyo . Chiba, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, 1990.
This is a report of a joint seminar to discuss and exchange information on the health and environmental effects of ionizing radiation with emphasis placed on the results of the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and nuclear accidents in the USSR. This report includes twenty-eight papers presented in the seminar's eight sessions. 日本とソ連の研究者による電離放射線の人体と環境に与える影響についての共同セミナーの報告書。広島と長崎の被爆とチェルノブイリ事故に関して情報交換をし、討議した。8つの部会で提出された28の論文を収録している。