Author: | Amrine, Michael | Original Title: | The Great Decision: The Secret History of the Atomic Bomb | Place: | Barcelona |
Publisher: | Circulo de Lectores | Year: | 1959 |
Amrine, Michael. La gran decisión . The Great Decision: The Secret History of the Atomic Bomb Barcelona, Circulo de Lectores, 1959.
This is a record of the preparation and prosecution of the atomic bombing. The author indicates some problems with the Manhattan project and discusses who would decide to use a nuclear weapon in the future, taking the cases of Hiroshima and Nagasaki into consideration. 原爆投下の準備と遂行についての記録。原爆使用決定までの米国側の問題点を指摘。「核兵器の使用を決めるのは誰か」という問題を広島・長崎の例を挙げて考察している。