14 件のうち 1-14 件 "大阪"
Kondo, Sachiko, Ikoma, Kazuko, 2001
The Manhattan Engineer District of the United States Army, アメリカンセンター大阪, 1946
United States Strategic Bombing Survey, American Center Osaka, 1946
United States Strategic Bombing Survey, American Center Osaka, 1947
Women's Section, Association of Atomic Bomb Victims, 1976
Women's Section, Association of Atomic Bomb Victims, 1978
Women's Section, Association of Atomic Bomb Victims, 1993
(The Tinian Island)
工藤恵美子, 清野茂博, 小寺由美, 編集工房ノア, 2005
(No more Hiroshima, Nagasaki)
新風書房, 2011
(”Ano hi" zengo: Hiroshima genbakuki)
井上義國, 関西ジャーナル社, 2000
Asahi Sgimbunsha, 1994
(500 meter ni ikiru: kakuheiki no nai shin no heiwa no tameni)
三浦一江, 大阪市原爆被爆者の会, 1979
(Naoki yo yomigaere: Hiroshima no haha wa dokokusuru)
三上五月, 大阪市原爆被害者の会, 1983
(Genbakutoka Hokokusho: Beigun shiryo, Pumpkin to Hiroshima・Nagasaki)
東方出版, 1993