68 件のうち 1-20 件 "1996 "
Paseka, 1996
Óta, Jóko , Paseka, 1996
Hechler, Ken, University of Missouri Press, 1996
Los Alamos Historical Society, Los Alamos Historical Society, Exceptional Books, 1996
Hartkorn, Albert W., Mellen Poetry Press, 1996
Oe Kenzaburo, YMCA Press/ Marion Boyars/ Grove Press, 1981/1995, 1997/ 1996
Washburn, Dennis, Society for Japanese Studies, 1996
Kodansha International Ltd., 1981/ 1981; 1995; 1996
Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University, 1997
Elsevier, 1996
Kegan Paul International, 1996
Enloe, Walter, Whitewing Press, 1996
Ferrell, Robert H., High Plains Pub., 1996
Open Media and the Campaign for Peace and Democracy, 1996
Harwit, Martin, Copernics, 1996
Cambridge University Press, 1996
The Japanese Preparatory Committee, 1996
Metropolitan Books, 1996
Okamoto, Mitsuo, Institute for Advanced Studies, Hiroshima Shudo University, 1996