Search Result

1-20 of 78 results for "2011"

給未來總統的物理課 : 從恐佈主義, 能源危機, 核能安全, 太空競賽到全球暖化背後的科學真相

(Gei wei lai zong tong de wu li ke : cong kong bu zhu yi . neng yuan wei ji . he neng an quan . tai kong jing sai dao quan qiu nuan hua bei hou de ke xue zhen xiang)

1 Translations

Traditional Chinese

理查.繆勒, 蔡承志, Chengzhi Cai, 漫遊者出版/ 大雁發行, 2011

廣島末班列車 : 一九四五原爆生還者的真實故事

(Guangdao mo ban lie che : 1945 yuan bao sheng huan zhe de zhen shi gu shi)

6 Translations

Traditional Chinese

查理 · 裴列格里, 商周出版, 2011

Medziľudské vzťahy v prozaických dielach literatúry atómovej bomby v podaní očitých svedkov útoku na Hirošimu

(Interpersonal Relationships in the Prosaic Works of Atomic Bomb Literature by Eyewitnesses of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima)


Chovanová, Diana, , 2011