Hiroshima A-Bomb Teacher Association, Hiroshima Institute for Peace Education (HIPE), 広島県原爆被爆教職員の会, 広島平和教育研究所. HIROSHIMA: for Teaching Materials of “A-Bomb” . ひろしま: 原爆をかんがえる(試案) Hiroshima, Hiroshima A-Bombed Teachers’ Association, Hiroshima Institute for Peace Education, 1973.
This English textbook is the translation of the Japanese first edition “HIROSHIMA”, issued in 1969, which includes accounts of A-bomb survivors, history of World War and postwar peace movements, and present-day situations of A-bomb survivors. 1969年に発行された平和教材『ひろしま』の英訳。被爆者の体験記、戦中・戦後の歴史、被爆者の現状などに関する記事を掲載している。