Author: | Quigley, Martin S. | Place: | Lanham |
Publisher: | Madison Books | Year: | 1991 |
Quigley, Martin S.. Peace without Hiroshima: Secret Action at the Vatican in the Spring of 1945 . Lanham, Madison Books, 1991.
This is a story of an effort for peace initiated during World War II. After four decades, the governments of the US and Japan declassified the documents. The author was the principal initiator from the American side in trying to persuade the Japanese to surrender via communications through the Vatican. The author claims that if these efforts had been successful, all the horror of the atomic bombs and their subsequent effects on world history would have been avoided. 日米両国で公開された資料をもとに第2次大戦の和平工作を明らかにしている。筆者は米国側の工作員としてバチカンを通して日本の降伏を働き掛けた。この計画が実現していれば原爆投下はなく、世界の歴史も変わっていただろうと主張する。