Place: | Stony Creek, Connecticut |
Publisher: | The Pamphleteer's Press | Year: | 1998 |
Ed. Kai Bird, Lawrence Lifschultz. Hiroshima's Shadow: Writings on the Denial of History and the Smithsonian Controversy . Stony Creek, Connecticut, The Pamphleteer's Press, 1998.
This book uses historical materials to introduce the dispute over the rights and wrongs of dropping the A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Illustrating the opinions against the dropping of the A-bombs, essays by Dr. Shuntaro Hida, Kenzaburo Oe, Hideko Tamura Snider, an A-bomb survivor in the U.S., and Tamiki Hara's short story, “The Summer Flower,” are included as well as a dialogue between the then mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 広島・長崎への原爆投下に関する歴史的資料を収集し、原爆投下の是非に関する論争を紹介。日本人の意見として、肥田舜太郎医師、大江健三郎のエッセー、原民喜の「夏の花」、在米被爆者の声 (ヒデコ・タムラ・スナイダーの手記、One Sunny Dayからの抜粋)、広島・長崎市長の対談を掲載している。