著者名: | Anders, Guenther | 原著名: | Hiroshima ist überall | 出版地名: | Milano |
出版社: | Linea d'ombra | 出版年: | 1990 |
Anders, Guenther. Transl. Ea Mori. I morti : discorso sulle tre guerre mondiali : (1964) ; seguito da, Hiroshima è dappertutto : una prefazione : (1982) . Hiroshima ist überall Milano, Linea d'ombra, 1990.
Collection of three texts: Der Mann auf der Brücke (The man on the bridge): Diary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Off limits für das Gewissen (Off limits for the conscience): the correspondence between the Hiroshima-pilot Claude Eatherly and Günther Anders/ Die Toten (The dead): Talk about the three world wars.