著者名: | Sasaki, M. , S. Endo , Y. Ejima, I. Saito, , K. Okamura , Y. Oka , M. Hoshi | 出版年: | 2006 | 収録誌: | Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 2006 Jul. | 掲載ページ: | 79-91 |
Sasaki, M. , S. Endo , Y. Ejima, I. Saito, , K. Okamura , Y. Oka , M. Hoshi. Effective dose of A-bomb radiation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki as assessed by chromosomal effectiveness of spectrum energy photons and neutrons . [in:] Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 2006 Jul.. 45(2), . Pp. 79-91
Medical Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering