著者名: | Bailin, George | 出版地名: | New York |
出版社: | Seaport Poets and Writers Press | 出版年: | 1987 |
Bailin, George. First Strike . New York, Seaport Poets and Writers Press, 1987.
This collection of 39 poems is dedicated to peace workers against the creation and proliferation of nuclear weapons such as the Physicians for Social Responsibility and the Women of Greenham Common in England. Two poems are dedicated to the survivors of the Hiroshima bombing: One is for Mikio Inoue, an A-bomb survivor, and the other for the former Hiroshima mayor Shinzo Hamai. 社会的責任を果たす医師団や英国グリーナムコモンの女性ら、核戦争に反対する平和活動家に39編の詩が捧げられている。広島の被爆者や浜井信三広島市長に捧げた詩も含まれている。