著者名: | Kurihara Sadako (栗原貞子) | 出版地名: | Oxford; New York |
出版社: | Pergamon, United States Holocaust Memorial Council | 出版年: | Spring 1993 | 収録誌: | Holocaust and Genocide Studies | 掲載ページ: | 77-106 |
Kurihara Sadako 栗原貞子. Transl. Richard H. Minear. The Literature of Auschwitz and Hiroshima: Thoughts on Reading Lawrence Langer’s ‘The Holocaust and the Literary Imagination’ アウシュヴィッツとヒロシマの文学―L.ランガーの『ホロコーストの文学』を軸に. [in:] Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Oxford; New York, Pergamon, United States Holocaust Memorial Council, Vol. 7, No.1, Spring 1993. Pp. 77-106