出版地名: | Budapest |
出版社: | A Központi Fizikai Kutató Intézet (KFKI) | 出版年: | 1981 |
Ed. Marx, George. Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Power: Seminar on the Teaching of Physics in Schools at the Balaton, 6th to 12th September 1981 . Budapest, A Központi Fizikai Kutató Intézet (KFKI), 1981.
Physical Sciences and Engineering
The proceedings of the GIREP (International Research Group on Physics Teaching) conference ‘81 includes messages by Takeshi Araki, the then mayor of Hiroshima, and by Sakae Shimizu, physicist at the Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research, entitled, “The Message of Hiroshima: Recollections and Reflections of a Nuclear Physicist.” His message contains details from during the war and from a field survey taken immediately after the Hiroshima atomic bombing. 1981年度物理教育国際会議の議事録。荒本武広島市長と京都大学化学研究所の清水榮のスピーチが収録されている。清水は広島への原爆投下直後に入市して、実施した被爆の実態調査活動について報告している。