著者名: | Shimizu, Sakae (清水栄) | 出版地名: | Kyoto |
出版社: | Sakae Shimizu (清水栄) | 出版年: | 1982 |
Shimizu, Sakae 清水栄. Historical Sketch of the Scientific Field Survey in Hiroshima Several Days after the Atomic Bombing . Kyoto, Sakae Shimizu 清水栄, 1982.
Physical Sciences and Engineering
This excerpt is a record of the first field survey (the party entered the city on August 9), the 2nd field survey (the party entered the city on August 12) and the tragedy of 3rd field survey party (3 members out of 80 were killed by a typhoon). It was written by one of the research members at Kyoto University. This paper includes four pictures of the destroyed area, the map used by the party, and the list of samples taken back to Kyoto for further research. 京都大学の研究調査班は1945年8月9日から3回にわたって広島入りし、原爆に関する調査をした。この論文は調査活動の記録である。被爆建物の写真、調査班が使用した当時の地図、京都に持ち帰った標本のリストがある。