著者名: | Braw, Monica | 出版地名: | Stockholm |
出版社: | Brevskolan: TBV | 出版年: | 1985 |
Braw, Monica. Den censurerade atombomben . Stockholm, Brevskolan: TBV, 1985.
This is a comprehensive research on censorship in Japan under the American Occupation written by a Swedish journalist, who interviewed A-bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1978 and collected information in the archives on the Occupation of Japan and the records of the Allied Forces in the U.S. 被爆者面接や公開された米国公文書、連合軍の記録から占領下時代の検閲の真相を解明する。筆者はスウェーデン出身ジャーナリスト。