著者名: | Mikamo, Akiko (美甘章子) | 原著名: | Rising from the Ashes: A True Story of Survival and Forgiveness from Hiroshima | 出版地名: | Valencia |
出版社: | Chidori Books | 出版年: | 2016 |
Mikamo, Akiko 美甘章子. Transl. Margarita Adobes. Renacer de las cenizas : una historia real de supervivencia y perdón de Hiroshima . Rising from the Ashes: A True Story of Survival and Forgiveness from Hiroshima Valencia, Chidori Books, 2016.
This book is the story of Shinji Mikamo who miraculously survived the atomic bombing on Hiroshima. His daughter, Akiko Mikamo, medical psychologist living in the US, writes detailed account of his experience and the tribulations of his postwar life.