47 件のうち 1-20 件 "1966"
(Yuan zi xian qu zhe)
Simplified Chinese
戈德史密特, 原子能出版社, 1992
Moore, Ruth, Gyldendal, 1966, 1968
Feis, Herbert, Princeton University Press, 1966
Penguin Books, 1964;1966;1968;1970;1972;1974;1977;1982
Kodansha International, 1966
Moore, Ruth, Sue Reichert Allen, Alfred A. Knopf, 1966
Steinberg, Rafael, Random House, 1966
Harrison, Kenneth, Rigby; Tri-Ocean Books, Horwitz Publishing House, Rigby, 1966, 1968, 1983
A.Tabuchi, M. Hirata, S. Nakagawa, H. Sato, , 1966
Quigley, Carroll , Macmillan, c1966
Kato, Hiroo , William J. Schull , James V. Neel, , 1966
Cole, Allan Burnett , Ronald P Dore, George Oakley Totten , Cecil H Uyehara, Yale University Press, 1966
MacArthur, Douglas, United States. Department of the Army, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1966
Phillips, Cabell B H, Macmillan, 1966
Svensson, Eric H. F., United States. Department of the Army. Office of Military History, Office of the Chief of Military History, Dept. of the Army, 1966
Moore, Ruth E. , Knopf, 1966
(Nihon niokeru hakketsubyo no toukeigakuteki kenkyu)
朝永正光, 原爆傷害調査委員会, 1966
Vulliez, Albert, Fayard, 1966
Bertrand Goldschmidt, Fayard, 1967
Goldschmidt, Bertrand, Fayard , 1967