1-20 of 41 results for "1950"
Desanti, Dominique, Charles Haroche, Orbis, 1950
Herken, Gregg, Alfred A. Knopf, 1980
Leahy, William D., Whittlesey House, 1950
Glasstone, Samuel, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1950
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, United States. Department of Defense, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1950
Batchelder, Robert C., Houghton Mifflin, 1962
Clune, Frank, Angus and Robertson, 1950
World Peace Day Committee, , 1950
Schmoe, Floyd, The Silver Quoin Press, 1950
Janis, Irving L., Rand Corp., 1950
Laurence, William L., Zinman Atomic Energy Collection (University of Pennsylvania), New York Times Company, 1950
British Mission to Japan , British Mission to Japan , 1950
Pierce, A. D., Y. Shimizu, D. L. Preston, M. Vaeth, K. Mabuchi, , 1996
Preston, D. L., S. Kusumi, M. Tomonaga, S. Izumi, A. Kuramoto, N. Kamada, H. Dohy, T. Matsui, H. Nonaka, D. E. Thompson, , 1996
Preston, D. L. , S. Kusumi, M. Tomonaga, S. Izumi, E. Ron , A. Kuramoto, N. Kamada, H. Dohy, T. Matsuo, T. Matsui, , 2003
Bohr, Niels, , 1950
Beebe, Gilbert W. , Hiroo Kato, Charles E. Land, Radiation Research Society, 1978
Ishimaru,T. , M. Otake , M. Ishimaru, , 1979
Lundin, Jr., F. E. , J. W. Lloyd , E. M. Smith, , 1969
McGregor, H. , C. E. Land , K. Choi , S. Tokuoka , P. I. Liu , T. Wakabayashi , G. W. Beebe, , 1977