Original Title: | ナガサキは語りつぐ 長崎原爆戦災誌 | Place: | Nagasaki |
Publisher: | Nagasaki International Culture Hall | Year: | 1993 |
Ed. The Nagasaki International Culture Hall. Nagasaki Speaks: A Record of the Atomic Bombing . ナガサキは語りつぐ 長崎原爆戦災誌 Nagasaki, Nagasaki International Culture Hall, 1993.
Memoirs, History and Social Sciences
This book contains the brief history of Nagasaki, including the history of World War II, the facts of the Nagasaki bombing and Nagasaki city's policy on peace issues. It contains a chronological table of the post-war history of Nagasaki at the end of the book. 長崎の歴史、第2次世界大戦、被爆の実相、市の平和への取り組みについて。巻末に長崎戦後史年表付き。