Book Details



Akiba Project '85 Hiroshima and Nagasaki through the Eyes of the American Reporters

Author:広島国際文化財団 (Hiroshima Kokusai Bunkazaidan Hiroshima International Cultural Foundation)
Place:広島 (Hiroshima)
Publisher:広島国際文化財団 (Hiroshima International Cultural Foundation, Inc)


広島国際文化財団 Hiroshima Kokusai Bunkazaidan Hiroshima International Cultural Foundation. 米人記者の見たヒロシマ・ナガサキ-アキバプロジェクト'85 Akiba Project '85 Hiroshima and Nagasaki through the Eyes of the American Reporters. 広島 Hiroshima, 広島国際文化財団 Hiroshima International Cultural Foundation, Inc, 1986.


Memoirs, History and Social Sciences


English, Japanese


The Akiba Project, which invites several American local newspaper reporters to Hiroshima and Nagasaki every year, began in 1979. This book contains articles written by the journalists after returning to the United States. Japanese translations are included at the end of the book. 広島国際文化財団発行(広島市中区土橋町 中国新聞社ビル)。年に1回米国人ジャーナリスト3人を、広島、長崎に招き、米国市民に直接リポートしてもらうというアキバプロジェクトは、1979年から始まった。この書は、帰国後発表された記事を収録し、巻末に和訳を付加している。 Includes articles by the past recipients of the grant as well as their special articles for the 40th commemoration contributed to the Chigoku Shimbun.