著者名: | Edith C. Truslow, Ralph Carlisle Smith | 出版地名: | Los Alamos |
出版社: | Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California | 出版年: | 1961 |
Edith C. Truslow, Ralph Carlisle Smith. Manhattan District History, Project Y, The Los Alamos Project vols. 1 & 2 . Los Alamos, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California, 1961.
Physical Sciences and Engineering
This is a record of the technical, administrative, and policy making activities of the Los Alamos Project from its beginning through the development of the A-bomb and the end of World War II until 1947, when the US federal government turned over control of the project to a civilian agency, the Atomic Energy Commission. 山極晃、立花誠逸『資料マンハッタン計画』(大月書店 1993年) 米国政府部内の政策文書を中心に、マンハッタン計画に関する資料を編集。