著者名: | Laurence, William L. | 出版地名: | New York |
出版社: | Knopf | 出版年: | 1946 |
Laurence, William L.. Dawn Over Zero: The Story of the Atomic Bomb . New York, Knopf, 1946.
This is a record of the atomic bombing by a journalist who was permitted to cover the project of the development of A-bombs. William Leonard Laurence of New York Times played the role of a spokesperson of the U.S. government. In this book, he compares the A-bomb experiment to a rehearsal on stage, describing the collapse of the German social system at the end of the first act, and the success of atomic bomb production in the second act. Dropping the bomb in Japan was scheduled three weeks after the success of the nuclear test at Alamogordo, New Mexico. The grand finale was to be included in his last scenario.