Tracing the Past: One Photo Tells a Family History
著者名: | 濵井道子 (Hamai, Michiko) | 出版地名: | 広島 (Hiroshima) |
出版社: | Private publication | 出版年: | 2012 |
濵井道子 Hamai, Michiko. 軌跡―写真が語った家族の歴史 Tracing the Past: One Photo Tells a Family History. 広島 Hiroshima, Private publication, 2012.
135 pages including materials, pp. 128-135. Text in Japanese and English. The author traces her husband’s family history during the World War II. They were buffeted by the turbulent seas of their time; some living in the U.S. were forced in different internment camps, and others living in Japan survived an ordeal caused by the atomic bombing in Hiroshima.