

Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, August 1945 and Super-hydrogen Bomb Test at Bikini Atoll in the Mid-Pacific, March 1954: Investigation by Scientists of Kyoto University

著者名:Shimizu, Sakae
出版社:Katsuhiko, Yazaki, Kyoto Forum


Shimizu, Sakae. Ed. Shimizu, Sakae. Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, August 1945 and Super-hydrogen Bomb Test at Bikini Atoll in the Mid-Pacific, March 1954: Investigation by Scientists of Kyoto University . Kyoto, Katsuhiko, Yazaki, Kyoto Forum, 1995.


History and Social Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering




This is a compilation of four papers and one report written by the nuclear physicist Bunsaku Arakatsu, the pathologist Shigeteru Sugiyama, and the physicist Sakae Shimizu, who were the members of the first survey team from Kyoto University that entered Hiroshima in September, 1945. The first scientific papers of the field survey on the Hiroshima bombing by Japanese scientists, B. Arakatsu and S. Sugiyama, were published in the Asahi Shimbun Newspaper (Osaka) in a series from September 14th to 18th, 1945. Also included are three scientific reports written by Sakae Shimizu, a recollection as the only member of the first survey team who still survives after 50 years and a survey of the radioactive fallout of dust produced by the super-hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll in 1954. 1945年9月に広島入りした京都大学の研究調査班のメンバーだった荒勝文策 (核物理学者)、杉山繁輝 (病理学者)、清水榮による論文と報告書。日本人科学者による初めての原爆に関する調査研究論文は45年の9月14日から18日まで朝日新聞大阪版にシリーズで掲載された。被爆50年後も生存している唯一の調査班メンバーだった清水は、当時の回想記と1954年のビキニ環礁での放射性降下物に関する論文を載せている。