著者名: | Allen, Thomas B., Norman Polmar | 出版地名: | New York |
出版社: | Simon and Schuster | 出版年: | 1995 |
Allen, Thomas B., Norman Polmar. Code-name Downfall: The Secret Plan to Invade Japan: And Why Truman Dropped the Bomb . New York, Simon and Schuster, 1995.
This book explains the U.S. military's plan to assault Japan which would have been carried out if atomic bombs had not been dropped. The authors conclude that use of the atomic bombs shortened the war and saved American and Japanese lives. 原爆投下をしなければ実行していたであろう米国軍部による日本本土侵略作戦を詳述。原爆投下は戦争終結を早め、米国人、日本人の多数の命を救ったと主張している。