著者名: | The Chugoku Newspaper | 原著名: | 世界のヒバクシャ | 出版地名: | Tokyo |
出版社: | Kodansha International | 出版年: | 1992 |
The Chugoku Newspaper. Transl. Kristen McIvor. Exposure: Victims of Radiation Speak out . 世界のヒバクシャ Tokyo, Kodansha International, 1992.
This is a report on cases of radioactive contamination from a1l over the world written by a team of journalists from the Hiroshima-based Chugoku Newspaper, which was awarded the Japan Newspaper Publishers and Editors Association prize in 1990. 中国新聞「ヒバクシャ」取材班編『世界のヒバクシャ』(講談社 1991年) 世界の被曝実態取材リポート。1990年、日本新聞協会賞を受賞した。