著者名: | The City of Hiroshima | 出版地名: | Hiroshima |
出版社: | The City of Hiroshima | 出版年: | 1981 |
The City of Hiroshima. Welcoming Ceremony for His Holiness Pope John Paul II . Hiroshima, The City of Hiroshima, 1981.
This booklet contains the welcoming address by Takeshi Araki, the then Mayor of Hiroshima City, and an appeal for peace by Pope John Paul II. His first remarks “War is the work of man.” has been quoted often since this occasion. ローマ法王の広島訪間を記念して配布された小冊子。荒木武市長の歓迎スピーチと法王の広島でのスピーチが収録されている。「戦争は人間のしわざです」という法王の言葉はその後、多くの人に引用されてきた。