著者名: | Everett, Glenn D. | 出版地名: | Rutland, Vermont |
出版社: | Academy Books | 出版年: | 1995 |
Everett, Glenn D.. Hope from the Horror of Hiroshima: The Study of the Japanese Christians who Survived the Bomb and their Prayers for Foreigners, Reconciliation and Lasting World Peace . Rutland, Vermont, Academy Books, 1995.
An American journalist wrote this documentary story based on his interviews with Christian A-bomb survivors including Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto who John Hersey depicted in his book, Hiroshima. ジョン・ハーシーの「Hiroshima」で紹介された谷本清牧師のほか、クリスチャンの被爆者の聞き取りをもとにしたドキユメンタリー。著者は米国人ジャーナリスト。