著者名: | Fasching, Darrell J. | 出版地名: | Albany |
出版社: | State University of New York Press | 出版年: | 1993 |
Fasching, Darrell J.. The Ethical Challenge of Auschwitz and Hiroshima: Apocalypse or Utopia? . Albany, State University of New York Press, 1993.
This is a critique based on theological ethics. The author maintains that Hiroshima symbolizes modern technology which was aimed at creating a utopia, but instead has led to an apocalypse. He also discusses the resulting globalization that forces a meeting of East and West and proposes the creation of a cross-cultural public order, symbolized in the phrase “unity-in-diversity.” In the epilogue, the author reflects on the role of religious studies including Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism. 聖書倫理学に基づく評論。広島の被爆について、本来はユートピアを目指すはずの現代の科学技術が破局に至ったこと、被爆の事実は、東洋と西洋のいや応のない遭遇を象徴するものだとして、異文化間の秩序を提案している。また、最終章ではキリスト教、ユダヤ教、仏教などを含む宗教学の果たす役割について論じている。