著者名: | Hewlett, Richard G., Oscar E. Anderson | 出版地名: | University Park, PA |
出版社: | Pennsylvania State University Press | 出版年: | 1962 |
Hewlett, Richard G., Oscar E. Anderson. The New World-1939/1946-Volume 1 & 2 . University Park, PA, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1962.
This book is a historical overview of the development of A-bombs, the problems of international control, and the role of United Nations Atomic Energy Commission based on rich resources. The author states that the United States entered the atomic age following the atomic bombing in Hiroshima. 広島への原爆投下以降、米国は原子力時代に入ったとし、原爆の開発から戦後の核兵器国際管理の問題、国連原子力委員会の役割までを豊富な資料に基づき歴史的に記述。