著者名: | Marx, Joseph L. | 出版地名: | New York |
出版社: | A Macfadden-Bartell Book | 出版年: | 1969 |
Marx, Joseph L.. Seven Hours to Zero . New York, A Macfadden-Bartell Book, 1969.
This publication records the accounts of the twelve men aboard the Enola Gay, the plane that carried the bomb to Hiroshima. The author reports on their behavior just before and after the bombing, and their lives during the postwar days. 広島へ原爆を運んだ「エノラ・ゲイ」号の搭乗員12人からの聞き取りをもとに、投下前後の彼らの行動や、戦後の生活について報告。