著者名: | York, Herbert F. | 出版地名: | New York |
出版社: | Basic Books, Inc. | 出版年: | 1987 |
York, Herbert F.. Making Weapons, Talking Peace: A Physicist’s Odyssey from Hiroshima to Geneva . New York, Basic Books, Inc., 1987.
This is a memoir of a scientist who joined the Manhattan Project to work on the Hiroshima bomb and served as Jimmy Carter's chief negotiator at the Comprehensive Test Ban Talks in Geneva. 米国人科学者の回想記。マンハッタン計画で、広島へ投下した原爆の製造に参加し、戦後、カーター政権の時に、ジュネーブで包括的核実験禁止条約の交渉に当たった。